Training Overview

Inclusion & Awareness
Provide resources that address ableism, myths around employing people with disabilities, communication and engagement with this community, and interviewing considerations.

Curriculum addresses both high-level understanding of an employer’s obligations related to employee accommodations and provides industry best practice suggestions for accommodating a variety of apparent and non-apparent disabilities.

Digital Accessibility
Train your employees to understand digital accessibility and universal design basics to ensure they are prepared to create content that is accessible and evaluate products and services that maintain your organizations commitment to diversity.

Build your brand as an innovative and inclusive organization through learning focused on building partnerships with the disability community, diversity, equity and inclusion planning, engaging with disability-owned business enterprises, and environmental, social, and governance reporting.

Provide resources that break down disability civil rights regulation and workplace considerations.

And More!
Engage with content focused on addressing all areas of disability inclusion from return to work to emergency preparedness.